The Crested Gecko has quickly become one of the most popular reptile pets. This species was actually thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in its New Caledonia home in 1994. Within a few years, it had charmed the reptile hobby and was being captive-bred to meet the huge demand for this docile and extremely easy to keep gecko. Some have called it the Eyelash Gecko due to the spiky scales above its large eyes; but most use the name Crested Gecko as these same spiky scales form a crest on top of the head that runs in two rows down the back. They come in all sorts of colors and many are spotted with black. It is an omnivorous lizard that eats both insects like crickets and fruit mashes and nectars, and many breeders raise them on nothing but the prepared diets that have been developed in recent years. They are fairly long-lived (up to 20 years) and easy to care for in well-ventilated cages kept at warm room temperature. Temperatures over 82ºF should be avoided and high heat can be quickly fatal.
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